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ByCleaning Lidas

Terrace cleaning with pressure machine

Due to the passage of time, dirt, dust and other external elements, your terrace becomes dirty.

Lidas, through the use of pressure machines, guarantees uniform cleaning, even of the most stubborn dirt. adhered.

To clean your terrace contact us.

ByLidas Cleaning

Extractor, cleaning and disinfection

In these images you can see the grease that is capable of accumulating in an extractor, which is the biggest problem in this type of system.|| |131

Provoca que el sistema se sobrecargue, lo que trae consigo una perdida del caudal de aire extraído y un aumento del consumo eléctrico, malos olores, etc.

At LIDAS we are prepared to solve the problem for you. and we will leave it as if it were new.


ByLidas Cleanings

Hoods, cleaning and disinfection

The hoods are designed for the evacuation of smoke, vapors and odors. Therefore, even if you keep thecleanliness of the kitchen, if you only take care of the visible surfaces, you will really only achieve a degree of hygiene and disinfection that is apparent on an aesthetic level, but without real effect, since those areas that you do not clean inside the hood will be ideal places where colonies of microorganisms can form, immediately spreading to other areas. Hence the great importance of its correct maintenance and degreasing. This will avoid possible risks of fire and contamination, as well as improve the performance of the system.

Here we show you, above, what would be before and below, after the disinfection of a hood in Gijón.

ByLidas Cleanings

Cleaning the smoke extraction duct

Here you can see an example of cleaning an extraction duct of smoke. The before and after.

ByLimpiezas Lidas

Smoke extraction duct

We show you this smoke extraction duct so that you can appreciate the amount of grease that can accumulate in them, and most importantly It is its cleaning, so as not to have problems.

Removing fatty fuels avoids the risk of fires.

PorLidas Cleanings

Home work: general cleaning

Enjoy a more intensive and in-depth cleaning in your home. On many occasions after carrying out work at home, all the rooms are full of dust, remains, garbage.....

Count on us for a thorough general cleaning.

Limpiezas generales tras obras en el hogar

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