Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

I'm glad you're here and that you choose to be informed. On this website I collect and use the information as indicated in my privacy policy. One of the ways we collect information is through the use of technology called “cookies.” At Limpiezas Lidas, cookies are used for different purposes that I explain below.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small amount of text that is stored in your browser (such as Google's Chrome or Apple's Safari) when you browse most websites.

What is NOT a cookie?

It is not a virus or a Trojan horse , not a worm, not spam, not spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs or personal information, etc. The data they store is of a technical, statistical nature, personal preferences, content customization, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but with your web browser. In fact, if you usually browse with the Chrome browser and try to browse the same website with the Firefox browser, you will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the information with the browser, not with the person.

What type of cookies exist?

  • Technical cookies: They are the most basic and allow, among other things, to know when a user is browsing. human or an automated application, when an anonymous user and a registered user browse, basic tasks for the operation of any dynamic website.
  • Analysis cookies: They collect information about the type of navigation what you are doing, the sections you use the most, products consulted, time period of use, language, etc.

What are first-party cookies and third-party cookies?

First-party cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and those from third parties are those generated by external services or providers.

What cookies does this website use?

This website uses its own and third-party cookies. third parties. The following cookies are used on this website, detailed below:

Own cookies

Login: Login cookies allow you to enter and log out of your Limpiezas Lidas account.

Personalization: Cookies help me remember which people or websites you have interacted with, so I can show you related content.

Preferences: Cookies allow me to remember your settings and preferences, such as your preferred language and privacy settings.

Security:I use cookies to avoid security risks. Mainly to detect when someone is trying to hack your Limpiezas Lidas account.

Third-party cookies

This website uses the following analysis services:

  • Google Analytics| ||127 para ayudar al website a analizar el uso que hacen los usuarios del sitio web y mejorar la usabilidad del mismo, pero en ningún caso se asocian a datos que pudieran llegar a identificar al usuario. Google Analytics, es un servicio analítico de web prestado por Google, Inc., El usuario puede consultar here the type of cookies used by Google.
  • Facebook pixelto help the website analyze the use made by users of the website and improve its usability, but in no case are they associated with data that could identify the user. The Facebook pixel is a web analytics service provided by Facebook, Inc.. The user can consulthere the type of cookies used by Facebook.

Limpiezas Lidas es usuario de la plataforma de suministro y alojamiento de blogs WordPress, property of the North American company Automattic, Inc. For these purposes, the uses of such cookies by the Systems are never under the control or management of the person responsible for the website, they can change their function at any time, and enter new cookies. These cookies do not provide the person responsible for this website with any benefit. Automattic, Inc., also uses other cookies in order to help identify and track visitors toWordPress, know their use of the Automattic website, as well as their access preferences, as set out in the “Cookies” section of theirprivacy policy.

As an Internet user, at any time you can proceed to delete the information regarding your browsing habits, and the related profile that has been generated the aforementioned habits, by accessing directly and free of charge to: If a user disables this feature, the unique DoubleClick cookie ID in the user's browser is overwritten with the “OPT_OUT” phase. Because a unique cookie ID no longer exists, the disabled cookie cannot be associated with a particular browser.

Social media cookies may be stored in your browser while you browse by, for example, when you use the button to share content from on a social network.

Below you have information about the cookies of the social networks used by this website in their own cookie policies:

  • Cookies fromFacebook, see more information in thislink
  • Cookies de Twitter, see more information in thislink
  • Cookies fromPinterest| ||167, ver más información en este link
  • Cookies fromLinkedin, see more information in thislink
  • Cookies fromGoogle plus, see more information in thislink
  • Cookies fromYoutube, see more information in thislink
  • Cookies fromInstagram, see more information in thislink 
  • Cookies fromFlickr (Yahoo), see more information in thislink

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, and not only delete, but also block, in a general or particular way for a specific domain. To delete cookies from a website you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for those associated with the domain in question and proceed to delete them.

In the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, certain services offered by our website that require their use may be disabled and, therefore Therefore, they are not available to you, so you will not be able to take full advantage of everything that our website and applications offer you. It is also possible that the quality of the website's operation may decrease.

More information about cookies

You can consult the regulations on cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency at your “Guide on the use of cookies” and obtain more information about cookies on the Internet, /

If you wish to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose which cookies you wish to allow.| ||226

Cookies utilizadas en esta web

lang:own cookie to recognize the preferred language of the visiting user. Lasts until the session ends.
own cookie that controls whether the Cookies Policy has been accepted or not. Duration 2 years.
AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, NONCE_KEY: own cookie to identify and manage administrative users of this website. Activated only when logging in as a registered user. It lasts 2 years.

_ga: external cookie, from Google Analytics, used to distinguish users. It lasts 2 years.
_gid: external cookie, from Google Analytics, used to distinguish users. It lasts 24 hours.
_gat: external cookie, from Google Analytics, used to limit the number of requests to the platform. Lasts 1 minute.
__utma, __utmt, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv: external cookies, from Google Analytics, used to differentiate users and sessions, and other more advanced information in the statistics generated by this tool. They last from 10 minutes to 2 years.

IDE: external cookie, from YouTube, belongs to the Double Click platform used for managing advertising in embedded YouTube videos. Lasts 1 year.
GPS: external cookie, from Youtube, registers a unique ID on mobile devices to allow tracking based on geographic location by GPS. Lasts until the session ends.
PREF: external cookie, from YouTube, records a unique ID that Google uses to maintain statistics on how the visitor uses YouTube videos on sites different websites. Lasts 8 months.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: external cookie, from Youtube, tries to calculate the user's bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. Lasts 179 days.
YSC: external cookie, from YouTube, records a unique ID to keep statistics of which YouTube videos the user has watched. Lasts until the session ends.