Cookie Policy

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy


In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 , of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is stated that this page corresponds to the entity:

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Name: Limpiezas Integrales Asturias S.L.
CIF: B33838848
Address: Álvaro de Albornoz Street, 33 ground floor.
Phone: 985 35 19 37
Registration of the entity: Commercial Registry of Asturias, volume 2459, folio 164 , section 8, sheet AS-19484, inscription 4.

You can contact us in any way.

We reserve the right to modify or adapt this Privacy Policy in any time. We recommend that you review it, and if you have registered and access your account or profile, you will be informed of the modifications.

If you are one of the following groups, consult the following information:



What data do we collect through the Website?

We can process your IP, what operating system or browser you use, and even the duration of your visit, anonymously. If you provide us with data in the contact form, you will identify yourself so that we can contact you, if necessary.

For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Respond to your queries, requests or requests.
• Manage the requested service, answer your request, or process your request.
• Information by electronic means, which relates to your application.
• Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization.
• Carry out analysis and improvements on the Web, on our products and services. Improve our commercial strategy.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

Acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where to make a request it is necessary to complete a form and clicking on the send button, completing it will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to the content of the clause attached to said form or acceptance of the privacy policy.
All our forms have the * symbol in the mandatory data. If you do not provide these fields, or do not check the checkbox for acceptance of the privacy policy, the sending of the information will not be allowed. It normally has the following formula: “□ I am over 14 and I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”



What data do we collect through the newsletter?

On the Web, it is allowed to subscribe to the Newsletter, if you provide us with an email address, to which it will be sent. We will only store your email in our database, and we will proceed to send you emails periodically, until you request unsubscription, or we stop sending emails. You will always have the option to unsubscribe in any communication.

For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Manage the requested service.
• Información por medios electrónicos, que versen sobre tu solicitud.
• Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization.
• Carry out analysis and improvements in sending mailings, to improve our commercial strategy.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

Acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where you subscribe, it will be necessary to accept a checkbox and click on the send button. This will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to receive the newsletter.
If you do not check the acceptance checkbox of the privacy policy, the sending of information will not be allowed. It normally has the following formula: “□ I am over 14 and I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”



For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Preparation of the budget and monitoring it through communications between both parties .
• Information by electronic means, which relates to your application.
• Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization.
• Manage the administrative, communications and logistics services performed by the Controller.
• Invoicing and declaration of appropriate taxes.
• Carry out the corresponding transactions.
• Control and recovery procedures.



For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Information by electronic means, which relate to your request.
• Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization.
• Manage the administrative, communications and logistics services performed by the Controller.
• Billing.
• Carry out the corresponding transactions.
• Invoicing and declaration of appropriate taxes.
• Control and recovery procedures.
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The legal basis is the acceptance of a contractual relationship, or failing that your consent when contacting us or offering us your products in any way.



For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Respond to your queries, requests or requests.
• Manage the requested service, answer your request, or process your request.
• Relationship with you and create a community of followers.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The acceptance of a contractual relationship in the social network environment that applicable, and in accordance with their Privacy policies:

Pinterest: https://
Google, Google Plus and Youtube:

How long will we keep personal data?

We can only consult or delete your data in a restricted way by having a specific profile. We will treat them for as long as you let us follow us, be friends or click “like”, “follow” or similar buttons. Any rectification of your data or restriction of information or publications must be made through the configuration of your profile or user on the social network itself.



For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?

• Organization of selection processes for hiring employees.
• Appoint you for job interviews and evaluate your candidacy.
• If you have given us your consent, we may transfer it to collaborating or related companies, with the sole objective of helping you find employment.
• If you mark the checkbox of acceptance of the privacy policy, you give us your consent to transfer your employment application to the entities that make up the group of companies with the aim of including you in their personnel selection processes

Asimismo, te comunicamos que transcurrido un año desde la recepción de tu currículum vitae, procederemos a su destrucción segura.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis is your unequivocal consent, when sending us your CV.

Do we include personal data of third parties?

No, as a general rule we only process the data provided to us by the owners. If you provide us with data from third parties, you must first inform and request their consent from said people, or otherwise you exempt us from any responsibility for non-compliance with this requirement.

And data on minors?

We do not process data of children under 14 years of age. Therefore, please refrain from providing them if you are not of that age or, where appropriate, from providing data from third parties who do not have the aforementioned age. Limpiezas Lidas is exempt from any responsibility for non-compliance with this provision.

Will we carry out communications by electronic means?

• They will only be made to manage your request, if it is one of the means of contact that you have provided to us.
• If we make commercial communications, they will have been previously and expressly authorized by you.


What security measures do we apply?

You can rest assured: We have adopted a level optimal protection of the Personal Data that we handle, and we have installed all the means and technical measures at our disposal according to the state of technology to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of Personal Data.|| |251

¿A qué destinatarios se comunicarán tus datos?

Your data will not be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation. Specifically, they will be communicated to the State Tax Administration Agency and to banks and financial entities for collection of the service provided or product acquired, as well as to those responsible for the processing necessary for the execution of the agreement.

In case of purchase or payment, if you choose an application, website, platform, bank card, or some other online service, your data will be transferred to that platform or processed in its environment, always with maximum security.

When If we order it, the web development and maintenance company, or the hosting company, will have access to our website. They will have signed a service provision contract that requires them to maintain the same level of privacy as us.

Any international data transfer when using American applications will adhere to the Privacy Shield agreement, which guarantees that American software companies comply with European data protection policies regarding privacy.


What Rights do you have?

• Let's know if we are trying your data or not.
• To access your personal data.
• To request rectification of your data if it is inaccurate.
• To request the deletion of your data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you withdraw the consent granted.
• To request the limitation of the processing of your data, in some cases, in which case we will only keep them in accordance with current regulations.
• To carry your data, which will be provided to you in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format. If you prefer, we can send them to the new person in charge that you designate for us. It is only valid in certain cases.
• To file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or competent control authority, if you believe that we have not served you correctly.
• To revoke consent for any treatment for which you have consented, at any time.

If you modify any data, please let us know so we can keep them updated.

Do you want a form for the exercise of Rights?

• We have forms for the exercise of your rights, ask us by email or if you prefer, you can use those prepared by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties.
• These forms must be signed electronically or be accompanied by a photocopy of your DNI.
• If someone represents you, you must attach a copy of their ID, or have them sign it with their electronic signature.
• The forms can be submitted in person, sent by letter or by email to the address of the Controller at the beginning of this text.

How long does it take us to respond to the Exercise of Rights?

It depends of law, but a maximum of one month from your request, and two months if the issue is very complex and we notify you that we need more time.


Do we process cookies?|| |291

Si usamos otro tipo de cookies que no sean las necesarias, podrás consultar en este enlace la Cookie Policy of at


How long will we keep your personal data?

• Personal data will be kept as long as you remain linked to us.
• Once you unlink, the personal data processed for each purpose will be kept for the legally established periods, including the period in which a judge or court may require them in accordance with the statute of limitations for judicial actions.
• The processed data will be maintained as long as the legal periods mentioned above do not expire, if there is a legal obligation to maintain it, or if this legal period does not exist, until the interested party requests its deletion or revokes the consent granted.
• Mantendremos toda la información y comunicaciones relativas a tu compra o a la prestación de nuestro servicio, mientras duren las garantías de los productos o servicios, para atender posibles reclamaciones.


USERS|| |308

El acceso y/o uso de este portal de Limpiezas Lidas atribuye la condición de USUARIO, que acepta, desde dicho acceso y/o uso, las Condiciones Generales de Uso aquí reflejadas. Las citadas Condiciones serán de aplicación independientemente de las Condiciones Generales de Contratación que en su caso resulten de obligado cumplimiento.



www.limpiezaslidas. com provides access to a multitude of information, services, programs or data (hereinafter, "the contents") on the Internet belonging to Limpiezas Lidas or its licensors to which the USER may have access. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the portal. This responsibility extends to the registration that is necessary to access certain services or content. In said registration, the USER will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. As a consequence of this registration, the USER may be provided with a password for which they will be responsible, committing to make diligent and confidential use of it. The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services that Limpiezas Lidas can offer through its portal and, by way of example but not limitation, not to use them to (i) engage in illicit, illegal or contrary to goodwill activities. faith and public order; (ii) disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism or violating human rights; (iii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Limpiezas Lidas, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses on the network or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damages; (iv) attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages. Limpiezas Lidas reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that attack youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in their opinion, were not suitable for publication. In any case, Limpiezas Lidas will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.



Limpiezas Lidas por sí o como cesionaria, es titular de todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial de su página web, así como de los elementos contenidos en la misma (a título enunciativo, imágenes, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos; marcas o logotipos, combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento, acceso y uso, etc.), titularidad de Limpiezas Lidas o bien de sus licenciantes. Todos los derechos reservados. En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, incluida su modalidad de puesta a disposición, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de esta página web, con fines comerciales, en cualquier soporte y por cualquier medio técnico, sin la autorización de Limpiezas Lidas. El USUARIO se compromete a respetar los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial titularidad de Limpiezas Lidas. Podrá visualizar los elementos del portal e incluso imprimirlos, copiarlos y almacenarlos en el disco duro de su ordenador o en cualquier otro soporte físico siempre y cuando sea, única y exclusivamente, para su uso personal y privado. El USUARIO deberá abstenerse de suprimir, alterar, eludir o manipular cualquier dispositivo de protección o sistema de seguridad que estuviera instalado en el las páginas de Limpiezas Lidas.



The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to the web services, the order of visits, the access point, etc.



Limpiezas Lidas is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may be caused, by way of example: errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, despite having adopted all technological measures. necessary to avoid it.



Limpiezas Lidas reserves the right to make without prior notice any modifications it deems appropriate on its portal, and may change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located on its portal.



En el caso de que en se dispusiesen enlaces o hipervínculos hacía otros sitios de Internet, Limpiezas Lidas no ejercerá ningún tipo de control sobre dichos sitios y contenidos. En ningún caso Limpiezas Lidas asumirá responsabilidad alguna por los contenidos de algún enlace perteneciente a un sitio web ajeno, ni garantizará la disponibilidad técnica, calidad, fiabilidad, exactitud, amplitud, veracidad, validez y constitucionalidad de cualquier material o información contenida en ninguno de dichos hipervínculos u otros sitios de Internet. Igualmente, la inclusión de estas conexiones externas no implicará ningún tipo de asociación, fusión o participación con las entidades conectadas.



Limpiezas Lidas se reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or that of a third party, to those users who fail to comply with these General Conditions of Use.

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Limpiezas Lidas will pursue non-compliance with these conditions, as well as any improper use of its portal, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.



Limpiezas Lidas may modify the conditions determined here at any time, being duly published as they appear here. The validity of the aforementioned conditions will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.



The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

Any contracting process or that involves the introduction of high-level personal data ( health, ideology,...) will always be transmitted through a secure communication protocol (Https://,...), in such a way that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.



The relationship between Limpiezas Lidas and the USER will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any controversy will be submitted to the corresponding Courts and Tribunals.

Privacy Preference Center




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